Search found 67 matches

by afid_sb3
Mon Jan 25, 2010 8:37 pm
Forum: introductions
Topic: reporting for duty
Replies: 24
Views: 7939

Re: reporting for duty

sugeng rawuh om..wuih semarang ya..sdh sempet ketemuan om khrisna? sesepuh di semarang tuh..hehehe
wah SB3 87 ya..adik kandung tuh ama SB3 punyaku..punyaku tahun 86..main ke bantul yogya om..monggo monggo
by afid_sb3
Mon Jan 25, 2010 8:33 pm
Forum: trade: exteriors
Topic: SOLD THX: rear foglamp complete with wiring..
Replies: 13
Views: 6125

Re: SALE: rear foglamp complete with wiring..

waks..masih setia menunggu rupanya hehehe..kemarin sempet nembung MR5 om apa kata rejeki pindah ke "tangan mertua" dulu hehehe..mudah2an Allah meridhoi om..sekarang nyabet pritilan dulu aja yg kepegang dananya hehehehehe
by afid_sb3
Mon Jan 25, 2010 2:16 pm
Forum: trade: exteriors
Topic: SOLD THX: rear foglamp complete with wiring..
Replies: 13
Views: 6125

Re: SALE: rear foglamp complete with wiring..

abisna ketularan om ade..pokokna timbun dulu gan..loh emang nya Mr. A-nya aq wkwkwkwk
doain kgak meleset dah hihihi
by afid_sb3
Mon Jan 25, 2010 12:39 pm
Forum: trade: interiors
Topic: SOLD: Rare Momo Honda Access steering wheel..
Replies: 28
Views: 10464

Re: SALE: Rare Momo Honda Access steering wheel..


akankah daku bisa memilikimu :((
by afid_sb3
Sun Jan 24, 2010 10:25 pm
Forum: trade: exteriors
Topic: SOLD THX: rear foglamp complete with wiring..
Replies: 13
Views: 6125

Re: SALE: rear foglamp complete with wiring..

om..buat LX 89 masuk ga' ya? bs bantu threadnya yg sdh terinstal mungkin? sekalian saklar ato ON-nya ngikut lampu kota?
by afid_sb3
Tue Jan 19, 2010 8:18 pm
Forum: trade: engine parts
Topic: WTB : ac compressor oem SH4
Replies: 11
Views: 7100

Re: WTB : ac compressor oem SH4

menurut bengkel ac kepercayaan..emang tubuh bodynya ama jeroan kompresor dah ga kerja maksimal..kalo abis diserpis mah dingin, karena seal body diganti dan kalo dah beberapa lama kena panas dan tekanan kompresor ntu seal bocor lg..dan freon kebuang..begitu sterusnya.. kamsudna kalo msih ...
by afid_sb3
Tue Jan 19, 2010 6:42 am
Forum: trade: engine parts
Topic: WTB : ac compressor oem SH4
Replies: 11
Views: 7100

Re: WTB : ac compressor oem SH4

kgak ada om khris..adanya rebuilt..nah angka yg disebutin om ariphrp cm dapet rebuilt..bekas luar terus dibersihin and diganti bagian2 yg rusak..setahun lalu dah pernah sekarang dah menunjukkan tanda2 kurang dingin lagi..mana cuaca jogja sekarang baru ga asik niy..siang ampe jam 2an panas ...
by afid_sb3
Mon Jan 18, 2010 8:24 pm
Forum: trade: engine parts
Topic: WTB : ac compressor oem SH4
Replies: 11
Views: 7100

WTB : ac compressor oem SH4

buat sodara2 yg punya stok di gudang kompresor ac NOS u/ SH4 boleh ditawarkan ke saya..kalo ndak salah merekna Sanden tipe TR70 ato TR brpa gitu (suka ketuker ama punya ferio nomer serinya nih..) ato ada yg tahu toko yg masih punya stok..tlong kbari ya..maturnuwun..
Afid (08112505816 ato 0274-9346977)
by afid_sb3
Mon Jan 18, 2010 8:14 pm
Forum: trade: exteriors
Topic: [WTS] Ducktail [SOLD to AFID]
Replies: 34
Views: 14776

Re: [WTS] Ducktail

maap br sempet OL..dititipin pesen sruh update status ama mas dokter bagus..sold ya..baru dalam perjalanan ke jogja..nuwun
by afid_sb3
Wed Jan 13, 2010 12:19 pm
Forum: trade: interiors
Topic: >>FS: Tachometer Autogauge (Rp.385rb) <<
Replies: 8
Views: 5780

Re: >>FS: Tachometer Autogauge (Rp.385rb) <<

cool2 aja si brian..ditwar atuh hehehe
oh ini td yg diomongin ya mas..sory td pg belum sempat OL..maklum blum nyalain compie di kantor hehehe
harganya cukup menggiurkan ya..kondisi terakhir pas dipake gmn om? tanya dulu loh..