Search found 753 matches

by cokgus
Tue Jul 06, 2010 4:47 pm
Forum: detailing
Topic: Hewan dan Parfum dalam Mobil
Replies: 44
Views: 49714

Re: Hewan dan Parfum dalam Mobil

Mbil sy dl bnyk smutny gr2 naruh mbil dbwh pohon..terpaksa pake kapur ajaib yg di hncurkn ampe jd bubuk trus di bedakin dh tu mbil,ane bungkus mbilny dan 2hr ga dipake alhasil ilang om.

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by cokgus
Tue Jul 06, 2010 4:27 pm
Forum: exterior
Topic: Kap Mesin Berisik
Replies: 9
Views: 5293

Re: Kap Mesin Berisik

Ane pernah gt om,kudu emosi dl bru bs ntup tuch kap.. Coba stel strikerny (tonjolan yg ada perny dikap) pake obeng min ma kunci pas 10/12 gt sy lp..nah kendorin dl murny bru putar tuch striker ampe bs nutup enak..slmt mencoba om,smg membntu.. [Post made via Mobile Device]
by cokgus
Sun Jul 04, 2010 7:53 pm
Forum: announcements & greetings
Topic: *** member meet accross border.. ***
Replies: 152
Views: 121028

Re: meet with GC chapter Bali

Om Cok Gus, dah ketemuan ma om Nanangsurya di Ubud ya ? wah asyik pasti sambil ngobrol HCS?... :) ktemuanny di pasar seni guwang om,kalo dubud ga enak ganggu lg lunch di bebek bengil..Ga sempet ngbrolin hcs om,buru2 soalny,hehehe [Post made via Mobile Device]
by cokgus
Sun Jul 04, 2010 12:27 am
Forum: announcements & greetings
Topic: *** member meet accross border.. ***
Replies: 152
Views: 121028

Re: meet with GC chapter Bali

Iya om sampe ketemu di ubud bsk.

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by cokgus
Mon Jun 28, 2010 1:12 pm
Forum: oot
Replies: 21
Views: 14408


Liat2 foto dr atas kirain ga ad perwakiln dr gc..
Becakny pake nos ga om?,cakram brembo 12 piston mungkin?,,hehehe.
Ktemu si raka pengen slalom ga om?..Xixixi

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by cokgus
Mon Jun 28, 2010 1:05 pm
Forum: introductions
Topic: Ikutan aahh.... :)
Replies: 24
Views: 8601

Re: Ikutan aahh.... :)

Met gabung om,silahkan di unggah foto boilny..Ditunggu yakz.

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by cokgus
Sun Jun 20, 2010 9:18 pm
Forum: d.i.y
Topic: Tips Menambal Ban Tubeless Sendiri
Replies: 17
Views: 11702

Re: Tips Menambal Ban Tubeless Sendiri

Kalo ditanyain jam karet pst empuny tau om.Hehe.
Lem karet? sealantkah?,aibon?,castol?.

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by cokgus
Sun Jun 20, 2010 9:10 pm
Forum: narcissm & projects
Topic: NOPA 88 Ef9 (All pict @ page 1) (SOLD !!!)
Replies: 667
Views: 168213

Re: NOPA 88 Ef 9 Wannabe ! (More update pict. page 1)

guss..guss..piye kowe iki guuss... nova 88 bawaannya emang gk ada power steering,bisa pasang klo emang niat..klo biayanya lgsg tanya aja k tukang power steering smua nova dan GC yg standar indonesia karburatornya single dan jumlah klepnya 16. klo 12 valve ya wonder namanya... crootthh... bukanny gc...
by cokgus
Sun Jun 20, 2010 7:46 am
Forum: narcissm & projects
Topic: NOPA 88 Ef9 (All pict @ page 1) (SOLD !!!)
Replies: 667
Views: 168213

Re: NOPA 88 Ef 9 Wannabe ! (More update pict. page 1)

Om th 88 kn ga ad power stering pan ya?,,bs dipasang power stering ga ya?,kena brp ya?. Skalian mau nanya,nova 88/89 karbuny single barel ato double? 12 valve ato 16 valve om? Ada ga prbedaan dimensi antara 88/89 dng 90/91,mksd sy panjangny. Thx sblmny om,lg tertarik nova nh. [Post made via Mobile D...
by cokgus
Sat Jun 19, 2010 3:36 pm
Forum: oot
Topic: Ayohhh, pegang kesebelasan mana di Piala Dunia
Replies: 95
Views: 34219

Re: Ayohhh, pegang kesebelasan mana di Piala Dunia

ane ngikut om duy dah,,meski kgk ngerti bola..Pizzz

alasanny: karena dia berjasa membuat kunci all size yakni kunci inggris..Jiahh
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