Search found 216 matches

by akbar
Tue Feb 09, 2010 7:53 pm
Forum: narcissm & projects
Topic: Nova putih (all pic at page 1)......
Replies: 416
Views: 137531

Re: Nova putih (all pic at page 1)......

@ chandrabucks : wakakaka.... bener bangeeet disuntik coil luar... biar makin lancar si jarum RPM naik ke atas... hehe.. and ga lupa buat bikin mandeg jarum indikator bensin hehehe... iriiiit pooool.... mak nyuss... thanks bius racunnya Om Chand... ditunggu korban berikutnya.... syalalalala... @ mbo...
by akbar
Tue Feb 09, 2010 11:47 am
Forum: narcissm & projects
Topic: Nova putih (all pic at page 1)......
Replies: 416
Views: 137531

Re: Nova putih (all pic at page 1)......

@ Kurniawan dicky : hehe lumayan Om... Alhamdullilah.... @ [baduuy] : gluduk gluduk kreot kreot..... bledaaaar.... # kompor mleduk beneran om... @ arozi : hahaha berkat tangan dingin SuperNova Crew... bener bener jamu masuk angin nih Om... hehe... @ *jarno* : jiaaaaah ... emangnya tentara?? eh Om Ca...
by akbar
Mon Feb 08, 2010 8:51 pm
Forum: narcissm & projects
Topic: Nova putih (all pic at page 1)......
Replies: 416
Views: 137531

Re: Nova putih (all pic at page 1)......

menyeraaaaaaaah....... gak kuat lawan kompor mleduk GC ijo ma Nova item biang kompor mleduk.... ampuuuuun cukuuup ....


Alhamdullilah... PUASSSSSS..... hehe.....

by akbar
Fri Feb 05, 2010 11:24 am
Forum: narcissm & projects
Topic: Nova putih (all pic at page 1)......
Replies: 416
Views: 137531

Re: Nova putih (all pic at page 1)......

Om akbar ikutin kontes mobilnya dong di amnesia Bandung, om Kuman tuh yg organizer LAAS nya. Biar ada wakil Ihk ihk.... jadi gc se bandung raya bakal support om. Jadi BOBOTOH Akbar :D [Post made via Mobile Device] waaah Om Arozi.. bukan nda mau duk...
by akbar
Fri Feb 05, 2010 9:42 am
Forum: narcissm & projects
Topic: Nova putih (all pic at page 1)......
Replies: 416
Views: 137531

Re: Nova putih (all pic at page 1)......

wahahahaha....harus siap siap antibiotik nih... Pak Dokteeer toloong......
by akbar
Fri Feb 05, 2010 12:30 am
Forum: narcissm & projects
Topic: Nova putih (all pic at page 1)......
Replies: 416
Views: 137531

Re: Nova putih (all pic at page 1)......

wakakakaka... hus hus hus.... ayo bubar.... :D

#lagi recovery gara gara racun berdosisi ekstra tinggi.... mleduk dar dar dar...
by akbar
Sun Jan 31, 2010 10:51 pm
Forum: narcissm & projects
Topic: GO GUNNERS!! update pic. p.2,4,5,7,8,10.
Replies: 477
Views: 147635

Re: GO GUNNERS!! update pic. p.2,4,5,7,8,10.

[baduuy] wrote:ckckkckckk...


Hormaaaaaaaat Graaaak!!!.... salute... :D
by akbar
Tue Jan 12, 2010 6:25 pm
Forum: narcissm & projects
Topic: Diamond Blue
Replies: 34
Views: 13520

Re: Diamond Blue

Astaga... manteeeeb poool Om... ngiler liatnya...
by akbar
Tue Dec 22, 2009 11:36 pm
Forum: narcissm & projects
Topic: Grand Civic 1991 Setandar
Replies: 129
Views: 52343

Re: Grand Civic 1991 Setandar

Ya Allah, kemaren denger berita dukanya... baru sekarang liat gambarnya... turut berduka Om.... semoga cepet sehat lagi GC nya, jangan kapok and tetep semangat ya Om....

by akbar
Tue Dec 22, 2009 11:24 pm
Forum: narcissm & projects
Topic: Nova putih (all pic at page 1)......
Replies: 416
Views: 137531

Re: Nova putih (all pic at page 1)......

@ adeindra : yg mana Om?? yg terakhir?? iyo di MOI juga om.. tp yg itu kayanya banyak editannya deh... gwa juga ampe lupa di bagian mana ya ini..... @ fasc : waduuuuh Om.,... master rem emang dah mau abis nih.... hehe... matur suwun ya Om.. @ irman7977 : hehe iya ... thanks ya Om.. @ adhy pe : waah ...