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Re: Gath Bandung 7 Nov 09 (Pictures from page 19)

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 10:44 am
by batman
wew..keren gath bdg nya...sayang gak bisa pasti ikut ah... :)

Re: Rencana Gath di Bandung tgl 7 Nov 09

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 11:24 am
by redcivicgrand
adeindra wrote: belakang lagi ngerokok: redcivicgrand ...lah siapa ya nama aslinya?
ramadhan om

Re: Gath Bandung 7 Nov 09 (Pictures from page 19)

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 11:28 am
by redcivicgrand
Nawee wrote:wahhh... keyen.... :)
GC-nya bnyk ngapa foto drivernya cuma sdikit yah... :roll:

juragan USDM EF ngga ikutan foto tuh :p
iya om, pada malu 2x fotonya... :D

Re: Gath Bandung 7 Nov 09 (Pictures from page 19)

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 12:08 pm
by oldskools
redcivicgrand wrote:
iya om, pada malu 2x fotonya... :D

USDM udh dikuburrrrrrrrrr.....hahahhaha priben mas kbre?

Re: Gath Bandung 7 Nov 09 (Pictures from page 19)

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 12:12 pm
by oldskools
redcivicgrand wrote:
iya om, pada malu 2x fotonya... :D

USDM udh dikuburrrrrrrrrr.....hahahhaha priben mas kbre?

Re: Gath Bandung 7 Nov 09 (Pictures from page 19)

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 1:01 pm
by Fieldz
ikutan nyumbang foto2 Gath. Versi Bandung, kemaren..
ga lengkap smuanya ada di foto, tp mudah2an dr yg ada di foto bisa saling tambah kenal..
om admin/ om momod...tlg bantu koreksi y buat nama2 yg sy lupa..heheh... :D

01. checkpoint-01...ready to roll..

02. " the convoy "

03. mboel - sarie - fieldy - way - chandra

04. juniorEkananda - derry - yudha - paulus - akbar

05. belom smua, tp udh brjejer lumayan pwanjaaaaaaaaang

06. efek sore...jd kinclongssss ;)

07. om derry - fieldz - om way - de'juniorEkananda - tante sarie - om mboel - om akbar - om(maap sy lupa namanya) - om kuman

08. om baduuy - om chandra - abah Lukman - om gangsar - om(maap sy lupa jg) hehe.. :D

09. semua yg udh disebut sebelumnya, plus om jarno...abis parkirnya misah sii, hihihi :p

harap maklum kalo rada2 kurang gimanaaaa gitu potonya yahh... soalnya amatiran euuyy, cm pake kamera henpon..sambil nungguin foto2 propesyonal dr om akbar + om chandra... n omms & tantes lainnya tentunya, huehuehuhe..marriiii...
:D :D :D

Re: Gath Bandung 7 Nov 09 (Pictures from page 19)

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 1:20 pm
by fasc

Re: Gath Bandung 7 Nov 09 (Pictures from page 19)

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 1:29 pm
by Kuman
Fieldz wrote:ikutan nyumbang foto2 Gath. Versi Bandung, kemaren..
ga lengkap smuanya ada di foto, tp mudah2an dr yg ada di foto bisa saling tambah kenal..
om admin/ om momod...tlg bantu koreksi y buat nama2 yg sy lupa..heheh... :D

harap maklum kalo rada2 kurang gimanaaaa gitu potonya yahh... soalnya amatiran euuyy, cm pake kamera henpon..sambil nungguin foto2 propesyonal dr om akbar + om chandra... n omms & tantes lainnya tentunya, huehuehuhe..marriiii...
:D :D :D
bagus euy hasil dr hengpon jg niyh Om Fieldz... :D

Re: Gath Bandung 7 Nov 09 (Pictures from page 19)

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 1:37 pm
by akbar
Waaah Gath-nya... lancar..., thanks to all... mohon maaf kalo ada salah sikap and perkataan.... thanks to (team konvoi Jakarta) Sarie, Mboel, Fields, Way, and Mr. Chandra yg udah bayarin Tol sampe makan..hehe...jangan kapok ya Om..., thanks buat temen teman Bandung.. sorry kalo nda sempet ngobrol and kenalan sama semuanya..... thanks udah dikawal malemnya sampe gerbang Tol sama Om PPP ( hangga ) and Kuman ( Yusman ).... Thaaanks All Bradder.....


#efek bandung bikin pusing kepala liat wiretucked yg merah merah.... + mau nyolong Yakima kakek guru... hehe..... piss..... salut to Bandung....

Re: Gath Bandung 7 Nov 09 (Pictures from page 19)

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 1:50 pm
by redcivicgrand
08. om baduuy - om chandra - abah Lukman - om gangsar - om(maap sy lupa jg) hehe.. Ramadhan om field.... Ada juga fotoku... Wkwkwkwk :D

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