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Re: Gath Bandung 7 Nov 09 (Pictures from page 19)

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 1:40 pm
by Sarie
*jarno* wrote:thx buat semuanya.. acaranya rame banget, tapi keramean jadi pusing sendiri, heheh..

maaf juga buat tamu yg dateng jauh2, ga dikasi sambutan ya, minum pun ga dapet, huhuuu.. next time better deh..

so, next dimana? tempat om adhy lagi? hahaha..
bener yah om jarno, minumnya A**A gelas juga gpp deh :P

Re: Gath Bandung 7 Nov 09 (Pictures from page 19)

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 2:16 pm
by redcivicgrand
Sarie wrote:
bener yah om jarno, minumnya A**A gelas juga gpp deh :P
apa tuh A'''A tuh... mba sarie... nanti ditemenin deh... next timenya.. :D

Re: Gath Bandung 7 Nov 09 (Pictures from page 19)

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 2:41 pm
by adeindra
woiii.... yang junior tidak boleh mendahului yang senior ya.... wait in line :))

Re: Gath Bandung 7 Nov 09 (Pictures from page 19)

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 2:46 pm
by batman
aaauuuooo.....dipepet ajah om kalau berani nyusul cenior :D :))

Re: Gath Bandung 7 Nov 09 (Pictures from page 19)

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 3:45 pm
by redcivicgrand
adeindra wrote:woiii.... yang junior tidak boleh mendahului yang senior ya.... wait in line :))
canda om, ngga lah om ade... kan kalo lg di bandung... kalo lain ya didahuluin deh yng senior... ymwhisle ymwhisle

Re: Gath Bandung 7 Nov 09 (Pictures from page 19)

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 4:25 pm
by *jarno*
Sarie wrote:
bener yah om jarno, minumnya A**A gelas juga gpp deh :P
padahal mau disiapin yg lain, tapi kalo maunya itu aja ya gapapa, :p

Re: Gath Bandung 7 Nov 09 (Pictures from page 19)

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 5:50 pm
by Kurniawan dicky
Sarie wrote:
bener yah om jarno, minumnya A**A gelas juga gpp deh :P
Mang brownis gak keluar? :D

Re: Gath Bandung 7 Nov 09 (Pictures from page 19)

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 6:29 pm
by adeindra
busetttt.... jadi jauh2 dateng dari jakarta...tidak dijamu ama anak2 bandung y....


Re: Gath Bandung 7 Nov 09 (Pictures from page 19)

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 7:03 pm
by irman7977
adeindra wrote:busetttt.... jadi jauh2 dateng dari jakarta...tidak dijamu ama anak2 bandung y....

Teeerrrlllaaallluuu...(Rhoma Irama "mode on")

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Re: Gath Bandung 7 Nov 09 (Pictures from page 19)

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 7:06 pm
by irman7977
Sarie wrote:

aku kenapa yah :-\ :p
The sarie cantik.. Jd yg lain malu malu.. Pd ngga pd x..wkwkwkwkwk..

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