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Re: Gath OTOBURSA 2009

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 9:39 pm
by yog134et
adeindra wrote:lah...kan per intrax gue dah gue jual ke hangga...sekarang gue pake per standar lagi.
nah elo sekarang pake ape yog?
masih belom potongan kan tuh per? sms in harganya ye
blm dipotong... masih ting2.. :)

Re: Gath OTOBURSA 2009

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 10:14 pm
by dhemilencok
1. Yudha 93077733 : mugen cf48 r.14 (5pcs, silver ori)
2. ade 99151087 : altenator standar and sayap bagasi
3. Adhy 71564172
4. lukman 08157108762
5. Herry 70031327
6. timbuL 93291026
7. Resky 93500136
8. Ariawan 08121005870
9. Paulus 08176416566 : GC 91 Putih.........hihihihi
10.Norman 0812 939 9394
11. Hangga 081321615330
12. Dewa 98819118 : GC Silverstone with B16A (Incl. Mugen Head Cover) segelundungan...he..he...
13. Iwan (Nawee) 92211806 : Jualan apa ye.... wktna hunting aja deh...
14. chandrabucks 0818797600
15. Yogi 0818.19 22 49 : jualan bumper crx 90, per jamex GC
16. Patric 0817722831

Re: Gath OTOBURSA 2009

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 10:17 pm
by dhemilencok
jual apaan yaa gw??
stir nardi sama koilnya dijual ga yaaa????

Re: Gath OTOBURSA 2009

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 7:59 am
by adeindra
update dari milis:

1. Yudha 93077733 : mugen cf48 r.14 (5pcs, silver ori)
2. ade 99151087 : altenator standar and sayap bagasi
3. Adhy 71564172
4. lukman 08157108762
5. Herry 70031327
6. timbuL 93291026
7. Resky 93500136
8. Ariawan 08121005870
9. Paulus 08176416566 : GC 91 Putih.........hihihihi
10.Norman 0812 939 9394
11. Hangga 081321615330
12. Dewa 98819118 : GC Silverstone with B16A (Incl. Mugen Head Cover) segelundungan...he..he...
13. Iwan (Nawee) 92211806 : Jualan apa ye.... wktna hunting aja deh...
14. chandrabucks 0818797600
15. Yogi 0818.19 22 49 : jualan bumper crx 90, per jamex GC
16. Patric 0817722831
17. Ican 98022792 : nova 88 putih
18. Onny 08551001705! !!!


Re: Gath OTOBURSA 2009

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 8:44 am
by RuSkHiT
wahh rame bgt euyy nii..
smoga beneran bisa ikutan..
ga bawa GC nya gpp kan??

1. Yudha 93077733 : mugen cf48 r.14 (5pcs, silver ori)
2. ade 99151087 : altenator standar and sayap bagasi
3. Adhy 71564172
4. lukman 08157108762
5. Herry 70031327
6. timbuL 93291026
7. Resky 93500136
8. Ariawan 08121005870
9. Paulus 08176416566 : GC 91 Putih.........hihihihi
10.Norman 0812 939 9394
11. Hangga 081321615330
12. Dewa 98819118 : GC Silverstone with B16A (Incl. Mugen Head Cover) segelundungan...he..he...
13. Iwan (Nawee) 92211806 : Jualan apa ye.... wktna hunting aja deh...
14. chandrabucks 0818797600
15. Yogi 0818.19 22 49 : jualan bumper crx 90, per jamex GC
16. Patric 0817722831
17. Ican 98022792 : nova 88 putih
18. Onny 08551001705! !!!
19. Rasid 02133829422 : jual diri, buwakaka.. ntu velg-velg aja dahh!!

Re: Gath OTOBURSA 2009

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 8:59 am
by saitama

om rasid jualannya kejeeemmm....

Re: Gath OTOBURSA 2009

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 9:34 am
by Patric_Star
jualan velg apa tuh???hayooo selidiki......

Re: Gath OTOBURSA 2009

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 4:28 pm
by RuSkHiT
yahh ga jd jualan di otbur deh, udah laku semalem..

Re: Gath OTOBURSA 2009

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 8:30 am
by badooy
RuSkHiT wrote:yahh ga jd jualan di otbur deh, udah laku semalem..
bagusan gitu lah.. klo di otbur ribet lg om..
musti nitip ke lapak kan ngasi fee

Re: Gath OTOBURSA 2009

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 11:23 am
by RuSkHiT
[baduuy] wrote: bagusan gitu lah.. klo di otbur ribet lg om..
musti nitip ke lapak kan ngasi fee
Oh ic ic..
H-22 nihh..