A build for passion......Grand Civic A/T 1990

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Re: Grand Civic on BBS

Post by blackorange » Wed Dec 22, 2010 10:17 pm

kereen mas... GC lover.... mulusss abis....

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Re: Grand Civic on BBS

Post by mads » Wed Dec 22, 2010 10:31 pm

tuan takur wrote:komen dulu ah setelah selama ini cuma liat-liat doang dimari, hihihii.....

keren banget ni mobil, saya udah pernah liat aselinya, waktu itu liat di parkiran trisakti, kuliah disana ya om?
tau member GC.com, ducktailnya bisa saya copot buat pinjem bentar, hehehehe.... :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

ducktailnya beli dimana om?
wahhh ngga kok om,ini mah masih standaran aja..jauh sama punya senior2 disini yg full optional ori

iya om gw di trisakti,trisakti jg ya om??klo ducktail kebeneran dulu sempet jualan,makanya mumpung ada sisa stok gw pasang aja disini heheheheh..
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Re: Grand Civic on BBS

Post by mads » Wed Dec 22, 2010 10:32 pm

blackorange wrote:kereen mas... GC lover.... mulusss abis....
wah makasih mas..klo diliat aslinya mah banyak cacatnya kok :D
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Re: Grand Civic on BBS

Post by mboel » Thu Dec 23, 2010 1:53 pm

mads wrote:
hehehe thanks om mboel..custom lipnya nunggu mobilnya bisa dipendekin lagi ya,malu klo lebar2 tp cingkrang..

tp ini masih setandaran kok om,kemaren liat mesin nouva nya ngiluuuuu banget..klo sampe ketemu di tol mah paling cuma di dadahin doang gw,bllaaaarrrrrrrrrr hehehe

eiya om mboel yg dulu pake baleno oren bukan ya??sori klo salah..
Sorry mads gw bru baca,bru buka forum soalnya hehehe..
iya,kok tau om? jaman msh ababil :)) :))
nah lu dlu bknnya naik altis yaa??
mangap kl salah :D

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Re: Grand Civic on BBS

Post by tuan takur » Thu Dec 23, 2010 4:25 pm

mads wrote: wahhh ngga kok om,ini mah masih standaran aja..jauh sama punya senior2 disini yg full optional ori

iya om gw di trisakti,trisakti jg ya om??klo ducktail kebeneran dulu sempet jualan,makanya mumpung ada sisa stok gw pasang aja disini heheheheh..
wahh..punya sendiri ternyata ducktailnya :oops: :oops:
saya gak kuliah disana om, cuma emang seneng aja maen kesana, kebetulan pas liat mobilnya om mads waktu itu, hihihihi.... :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
kalo gak keren gak mungkin saya ngelirik GCnya om mads :-D :-D

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Re: Grand Civic on BBS

Post by mads » Fri Dec 24, 2010 12:34 am

mboel wrote:
Sorry mads gw bru baca,bru buka forum soalnya hehehe..
iya,kok tau om? jaman msh ababil :)) :))
nah lu dlu bknnya naik altis yaa??
mangap kl salah :D
yg dulu sempet masuk majalah barengan baleno merah bukan ya??heheheh gpp om kayanya sering liat di daerah timur jaman2 dulu hehehhe..iya bener om,cuma udah brantakan fender sama kolong altisnya gara2 hellaboncos hahahhahaha
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Re: Grand Civic on BBS

Post by mads » Fri Dec 24, 2010 12:38 am

tuan takur wrote: wahh..punya sendiri ternyata ducktailnya :oops: :oops:
saya gak kuliah disana om, cuma emang seneng aja maen kesana, kebetulan pas liat mobilnya om mads waktu itu, hihihihi.... :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
kalo gak keren gak mungkin saya ngelirik GCnya om mads :-D :-D
ohhh gitu,kayanya ada yg lg mau di geber nih main2 kesana??hehehehehehe..wah bisa aja om jd malu,ini mobilnya masih belom jelas arahnya mau kemana *mulai labil :D
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Re: Grand Civic on BBS

Post by mads » Sun Jan 02, 2011 3:03 am

iseng update ahhhh..

beningin kaca film..ternyata ga panas loh,cuma silauuuuu nya ora nahaaaannnnnn
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Re: Grand Civic on BBS

Post by mads » Sun Jan 02, 2011 3:04 am

mads wrote:iseng update ahhhh..

beningin kaca film..ternyata ga panas loh,cuma silauuuuu nya ora nahaaaannnnnn
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Re: Grand Civic on BBS

Post by mads » Sun Jan 02, 2011 3:05 am

sama sedikit penampakan di malam hari :D

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