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Re: mobil culun ikutan nampang boleh yaa..

Post by hattory » Wed Dec 09, 2009 8:22 pm

irman7977 wrote:Saya suka pas masuk majalah.. Itu kalo ada polisi tidur pasti ayun ambing ya..hehehe???

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hahaha.. g juga om.. berdoa aja g ketemu polisi tidur, kalo ketemu yah pasrah deh.. :))
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Re: mobil culun ikutan nampang boleh yaa..

Post by hattory » Wed Dec 09, 2009 8:24 pm

adeindra wrote:walah walah... susah juga ya bikin standar tuh fender depan kayaknya di wide bodi kan?
jadi udah berapa lama om pake gc?
diwide body dikit om.. ;;) buat pendekin dulu pake 18.. :D kalo maw distandarin paling beli fender standar copotan om kayaknya.. :D makenya siy lumayan lama om, g enak kalo disebutin..hehehe.. :ymblushing:
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Re: mobil culun ikutan nampang boleh yaa..

Post by hattory » Wed Dec 09, 2009 8:26 pm

Kurniawan dicky wrote:Dari sekian banyak ganti2 velg, yg paling nyaman yg mana om? yg velg kaleng ya.... :)
sebernya siy pake r17 ma r18 siy nyaman2 aja om.. cmn nyamanan pake r15 soalnya kecil jadi ada lobang hajar aja g takut velg rusak.. hehehe..
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Re: mobil culun ikutan nampang boleh yaa..

Post by hattory » Wed Dec 09, 2009 8:28 pm

beckha wrote:Lengkap bgt fotonya...
Kalo ada transformasi lagi, segera di update ya Om...
iya om.. kalo si "culun" ada perubahan ntar diupdate koq.. :)
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Re: mobil culun ikutan nampang boleh yaa..

Post by hattory » Wed Dec 09, 2009 8:29 pm

redcivic wrote:wah nongol jg nih kembaran red lbh ekstrim maennya...hahahaha....ditunggu hasilnya gi utk proyek selanjutnya.....btw kl ada headlamp custom tawarin mas ya.....

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hahaha.. bisa aja si mas.. jadi :ymblushing: wah gosip aja niy mas maw proyek.. proyek BKT tuh ada mas.. :)) iya ntar kalo ada headlamp dikabarin,tenang aja... :P
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Re: mobil culun ikutan nampang boleh yaa..

Post by hattory » Wed Dec 09, 2009 8:30 pm

Nawee wrote:wedeww....aliran cepri abizz....manstabb.... darah muda.... :-D :-D
makasi om.. bisa aja niy ngeledeknya.. :D
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Re: mobil culun ikutan nampang boleh yaa..

Post by hattory » Wed Dec 09, 2009 8:31 pm

*jarno* wrote:tuh kan, bener yg gua bilang newbie terselubung, hahaha..
waduh.. gosip aja om jarno.. hehehe..
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Re: mobil culun ikutan nampang boleh yaa..

Post by hattory » Wed Dec 09, 2009 8:34 pm

iphoer wrote:pemain lama ni keknya. huehue... ada di gct jg gk om?
saya newbie om.. :ymblushing: gak ikutan gct om.. :)
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Re: mobil culun ikutan nampang boleh yaa..

Post by hattory » Wed Dec 09, 2009 8:35 pm

derryjanuari wrote:waw... impian ku tuh masuk media otomotif... keren.. :-D
hehehe.. kebetulan aja itu bisa masuk.. g sengaja.. :D
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Re: mobil culun ikutan nampang boleh yaa..

Post by hattory » Wed Dec 09, 2009 8:36 pm

saitama wrote:Wooowh.... Kejaam.... Kereen... Q seneng yg pake velg guede n celup abis... Tp g pake wide body... Kereeen.... Cakeep...

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iya om makasi.. saia juga suka velg gede tapi g pake widebody om, jadinya yah kayak gitu deh om agak culun..:D
CP : 0856-915-400-70 / 0812-8722-5353 / 25D143CA

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