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Re: Grand Civic for Daily Driven........part 2

Post by mads » Sat May 21, 2011 4:38 am

adeindra wrote:neer.. kalo bener mau ditinggiin... per TEIN nya gue maauuuu
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Re: Grand Civic for Daily Driven........part 2

Post by arozi » Sat May 21, 2011 2:34 pm

mobil siapa nih madz?
KANDAZ perasaan kalah, kok dapet hadiah?

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Re: Grand Civic for Daily Driven........part 2

Post by mads » Sun May 22, 2011 2:53 am

arozi wrote:mobil siapa nih madz?
KANDAZ perasaan kalah, kok dapet hadiah?
mobil yg mana nih om??hahahahah iya lah kalah,org isinya begitu semua..mau ngegas bawaanya parno lobang,maklum suges mobil harian hahahahhahaha
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Re: Grand Civic for Daily Driven........part 2

Post by meneer » Mon May 23, 2011 7:38 am

mads wrote:
meneer wrote: lah ya kan cuman pengen tau bijimana rasanya mefet tanah :D
asal jangan seba mepet budget aja om..asinnnnnnnnnn
meneer wrote: lah jadi sama aja yah?kirain ada cara bebas gesrot gitu..padahal masih ada space antara ban ama fender,ga semefet punya situ :D
dah mending di tinggiin lagi aja deh :mrgreen:
klo sejari harusnya masih bisa aman om..ban nya pake ukuran brapa??klo 205 40 kayanya aman kok om

*maap klo salah, newbie soalnya om :-D
budget mepet nih oms,maklum newbie...kata bang ade dulu under sejeti.kwkwk.... :mrgreen:

ban sih pake 205 apa karna ET velg ye?
adeindra wrote:wahahahahaha....dasar anak muda masih pada pacar2an...
udah tua....jadi berasa tua beneran nih gue
gara2 pacaran dari kampus ama die eh...langsung jadi istri, kaga ngerasain yang laen deh.... :(

heheheh.,...jadi curhat

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Re: Grand Civic for Daily Driven........part 2

Post by adeindra » Mon May 23, 2011 8:56 am


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Re: Grand Civic for Daily Driven........part 2

Post by abah » Mon May 23, 2011 11:58 am

lampunya lari kemana om???


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Re: Grand Civic for Daily Driven........part 2

Post by mads » Tue May 24, 2011 11:33 pm

meneer wrote: ban sih pake 205 apa karna ET velg ye?
emang et+lebar brapa??gedor dulu aja om fendernya, pasti aman :D
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Re: Grand Civic for Daily Driven........part 2

Post by mads » Tue May 24, 2011 11:34 pm

adeindra wrote:weeee
abah wrote:lampunya lari kemana om???

ada bah dirumah hehehehhe
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Re: Grand Civic for Daily Driven........part 2

Post by BAYU_DAMASTA » Wed May 25, 2011 8:11 am

mads wrote:
adeindra wrote:weeee
abah wrote:lampunya lari kemana om???

ada bah dirumah hehehehhe
lampu yang dari um duy khan um mads...temen lagi nyari tu.... mo diletgo ga um


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Re: Grand Civic for Daily Driven........part 2

Post by mads » Thu May 26, 2011 12:44 am

lampu yang dari um duy khan um mads...temen lagi nyari tu.... mo diletgo ga um
bukan om..yg saya pake bekasnya om way dulu, kayanya ga dijual om, mau disimpen aja hehehehe
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