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Re: DIY: Service Karburator

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 10:34 pm
by onta
baduy001 wrote:
pauluspaska wrote: 3. Bentuknya seperti baut berlobang di tengahnya. Saya sempat jalan dari bandung ke jakarta tanpa benda ini. Tidak bisa lari di tol. Hanya bisa 80 km/j, gak bisa gas pol.
iki spuyer om.. tempat lewatna bengsin..
jaman dulu org ngirit2 ganti spuyernya jd yg kecilan...
dicekek istilahnya.. tp ya ksiyan, jd nglitik trus malah rusak dah tu piston2..

waktu pake dual carb, gw beli spuyer kecilan ..
ternyata, sama banget dgn punyanya kijang..
yg di dualcarb gw klo ga salah 150, gw beli yg 120... (krn konsumsi bensin waktu itu klo geber2 bisa ampe 1:6, or 1:7)
eh, ama apit dilarang kekecilan, nanti takut mesinna panas katanya..
so dibor lg digedein, pake bor khusus spuyer, jd 130..

nah om mekel, klo kurang puas dgn efisiensi dualcarb skrg, mungkin bisa ganti spuyer kecilan dikit.. pake punya kijang, murah kok..
mustinya sih gocengan kalii ya.. tp gw beli di DMF Rp 18K u/ 2 biji
Lho apa ga keliru??
klo lubangnya gedhe malah bensinnya jadi irit.
itu kan spuyer angin main jet (istilah mekanik jawa hehehe)
yg fungsine persis koyo spray tradisional tukang cat, yg klo pantatnya ditutup jempol catnya baru nyembur.
kalau ntu spuyer ditutup, bensinnya malah mengalir deras, banjir deh.
Klo dibuka kaya om Paul, ya ga bisa lari wong bensinnya ga bisa disedot.
ngefeknya dari 3/4 gas ke atas.

Re: DIY: Service Karburator

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 10:43 pm
by badooy
onta wrote: Lho apa ga keliru??
klo lubangnya gedhe malah bensinnya jadi irit.
itu kan spuyer angin main jet (istilah mekanik jawa hehehe)
yg fungsine persis koyo spray tukang cat.
kalau ntu spuyer ditutup, bensinnya malah mengalir deras, banjir deh.
Klo dibuka kaya om Paul, ya ga bisa lari wong bensinnya ga bisa disedot.
Fungsi sebenernya untuk mengatur volume udara pengkabutan biar bensin jadi partikel yg lebih kecil spy gampang dibakar.
ngefeknya dari 3/4 gas ke atas.
welcome back om onta...
nah ada pakar perkarbu an nehhh...

wah, gw gaktau nih om.. klo sepengertian gw gitu..
tp kalo misale ganti spuyer dr 150 jd 120, tu lobang gedean opo kecilan?

Re: DIY: Service Karburator

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 10:52 pm
by meneer
Nawee wrote:
meneer wrote:
norman wrote:Om PP... mantaf banget liputannya... 8-)
oia sekalian mau nanya tentang perkarburatoran dong...
pernah ganti karburator kit gak? kalo pernah...isinya apa aja siy...kalo bisa di foto dong...
sebab gw pernah dengar...kalo beli karb kit gak semuanya kepake...memang benarkah? thanks Om PP
Atau manteman yg lain ada pengalaman ganti karb kit?
lha gw selasa kemaren ganti karb kit (kotak warna oranye harga 90K)malah ada yang kurang&ga kepake tuh om...
yang kurang : sil bulet kecil2(kurang 4 biji),sil karet dg bentuk yg aneh buat plastik item tatakan karbu ke manipol,truz apa lagi ya lupa...
yang ga kepake : per kecil(gw pake ori karbu ajah),spuyer kecil...coz ukurannya malah lebih kecil...sempet gw pasang ternyata malah ga bisa lari...akhirnya balik ke spuyer lama...
aseli hondakah karb kitnya om farid ?
lha itu dah dijawab ma rulan...prasaan siy kit karbu ya ga ori om...kalo mw ori ya beli karbu baru :mrgreen:

btw...wellkomen lagi bwt om onta...monggo di posing kabar terbarunya :)

Re: DIY: Service Karburator

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 11:05 pm
by onta
Lha ini enak2 cuti kok disuruh mbalik ke kantor, ga ada orang lain apa :evil:
malah curhat hehehe

Soal spuyer, bos Baduy yg bilang di bor digedein 130, harusnya tambah irit.
Klo mau kijangnya tambah irit, pake spuyernya GC hehehe

Re: DIY: Service Karburator

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 11:13 pm
by badooy
onta wrote:Lha ini enak2 cuti kok disuruh mbalik ke kantor, ga ada orang lain apa :evil:
malah curhat hehehe

Soal spuyer, bos Baduy yg bilang di bor digedein 130, harusnya tambah irit.
Klo mau kijangnya tambah irit, pake spuyernya GC hehehe
saiki dapet prinsipe carbu dari mang wiki..." onclick=";return false;


A carburetor basically consists of an open pipe, a "throat" or "barrel" through which the air passes into the inlet manifold of the engine. The pipe is in the form of a venturi: it narrows in section and then widens again, causing the airflow to increase in speed in the narrowest part. Below the venturi is a butterfly valve called the throttle valve — a rotating disc that can be turned end-on to the airflow, so as to hardly restrict the flow at all, or can be rotated so that it (almost) completely blocks the flow of air. This valve controls the flow of air through the carburetor throat and thus the quantity of air/fuel mixture the system will deliver, thereby regulating engine power and speed. The throttle is connected, usually through a cable or a mechanical linkage of rods and joints or rarely by pneumatic link, to the accelerator pedal on a car or the equivalent control on other vehicles or equipment.

Fuel is introduced into the air stream through small holes at the narrowest part of the venturi. Fuel flow in response to a particular pressure drop in the venturi is adjusted by means of precisely-calibrated orifices, referred to as jets, in the fuel path.

yang artine.... mbuh... :P :lol:

nah, kalo daripada yang mana melihat gambar, sing bensine keluar lewat JET toooh??? cmiiw oom...

Re: DIY: Service Karburator

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 11:17 pm
by badooy
Accelerator pump

The greater inertia of liquid gasoline, compared to air, means that if the throttle is suddenly opened, the airflow will increase more rapidly than the fuel flow, causing a temporary "lean" condition which causes the engine to "stumble" under acceleration (the opposite of what is normally intended when the throttle is opened). This is remedied by the use of a small mechanical pump, usually either a plunger or diaphragm type actuated by the throttle linkage, which propels a small amount of gasoline through a jet, wherefrom it is injected into the carburetor throat. This extra shot of fuel counteracts the transient lean condition on throttle tip-in. Most accelerator pumps are adjustable for volume and/or duration by some means. Eventually the seals around the moving parts of the pump wear such that pump output is reduced; this reduction of the accelerator pump shot causes stumbling under acceleration until the seals on the pump are renewed.

cmiiw lho.. cmiiw... ;)

Re: DIY: Service Karburator

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 11:29 pm
by meneer
pake bahasa manusia po'o om... :(
aq ra ngerti.............. :cry:

Re: DIY: Service Karburator

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 11:53 pm
by onta
nah, kalo daripada yang mana melihat gambar, sing bensine keluar lewat JET toooh??? cmiiw oom...
Lain bos, istilah jetnya emang sama tapi bendanya lain.
yang di diagram itu ga menerangkan sepenuhnya kerja karburator GC.
Jet yg digambar itu sama percis ama besi melintang di selongsong venturinya GC

Re: DIY: Service Karburator

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 11:57 pm
by onta
baduy001 wrote:Accelerator pump

The greater inertia of liquid gasoline, compared to air, means that if the throttle is suddenly opened, the airflow will increase more rapidly than the fuel flow, causing a temporary "lean" condition which causes the engine to "stumble" under acceleration (the opposite of what is normally intended when the throttle is opened). This is remedied by the use of a small mechanical pump, usually either a plunger or diaphragm type actuated by the throttle linkage, which propels a small amount of gasoline through a jet, wherefrom it is injected into the carburetor throat. This extra shot of fuel counteracts the transient lean condition on throttle tip-in. Most accelerator pumps are adjustable for volume and/or duration by some means. Eventually the seals around the moving parts of the pump wear such that pump output is reduced; this reduction of the accelerator pump shot causes stumbling under acceleration until the seals on the pump are renewed.

cmiiw lho.. cmiiw... ;)
klo accelerator pump itu ada hub ama Om yg nyari membran bensin ya :?:
Jetnya ada di dinding dalam karburator, yg bensinnya muncrat klo gas kita injek, biarpun mesin ga jalan klo gas diinjek tetep muncrat cratzz... cratzzz :roll: :roll:
Gw sempat eksperiment ta copot, eh mobil jadinya kaya nenek2, gasnya minta dipijet urut

Re: DIY: Service Karburator

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 10:08 am
by adeindra onta dateng langsung memberikan pencerahan...