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Re: >>> Kompor of the Dayy <<<

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 11:03 pm
by fasc
[baduuy] wrote:kompresor ac cmn 300rb an,,murah bett.." onclick=";return false;

jero dah kita kenal kok, orgnya tgjwab..
ni orang lagi banting harga, b16 cuma 9jeti" onclick=";return false;

Re: >>> Kompor of the Dayy <<<

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 1:39 am
by mboel
[baduuy] wrote:kompresor ac cmn 300rb an,,murah bett.." onclick=";return false;

jero dah kita kenal kok, orgnya tgjwab..
msh ada kyanya tinggal yg denso(bnyk ngerubah kta tkg ac) :D :D
kl ga salah yg atu lg copotan ferio
bner"cpotan bkn refurbish
akhirnya mbl ane pke AC jg :D :D
diambil tuch bwt yg butuh jarang",,ada komp ac 300rban :)) :))
ehh ga sangka nemu header std OEM ZC lgkp mpe bwah gearboks di rmh jero :D :D
tinggal eksekusi aja nii..rapetiin fender ke ban wkwkwkwkwk ...

Re: >>> Kompor of the Dayy <<<

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 6:41 pm
by adeindra
emang header standar OEM ZC tuh beda ama OEM GC ya mboel? die 4.2.1?

Re: >>> Kompor of the Dayy <<<

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 6:43 pm
by adeindra
redcivicgrand wrote:mih om... ditambah lg dikit..." onclick=";return false;
buset tuh barang2 murah2 amet ye....
coba die jual di indo

Re: >>> Kompor of the Dayy <<<

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 8:59 pm
by mboel
adeindra wrote:emang header standar OEM ZC tuh beda ama OEM GC ya mboel? die 4.2.1?
iya om beda..std OEM ZC udh 4.2.1 cmiiw :D :D

Re: >>> Kompor of the Dayy <<<

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 10:54 am
by Nawee
adeindra wrote:emang header standar OEM ZC tuh beda ama OEM GC ya mboel? die 4.2.1?
mboel wrote:iya om beda..std OEM ZC udh 4.2.1 cmiiw :D :D
tul bgt... pan EF yg gue jual kmrn pake header ZC 4-2-1 De... :)
lo jg yg buka kap mesinnya di ktr... piye iki... :-D :-D

Re: >>> Kompor of the Dayy <<<

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 11:29 am
by badooy
mboel wrote:
msh ada kyanya tinggal yg denso(bnyk ngerubah kta tkg ac) :D :D
kl ga salah yg atu lg copotan ferio
bner"cpotan bkn refurbish
akhirnya mbl ane pke AC jg :D :D
diambil tuch bwt yg butuh jarang",,ada komp ac 300rban :)) :))
ehh ga sangka nemu header std OEM ZC lgkp mpe bwah gearboks di rmh jero :D :D
tinggal eksekusi aja nii..rapetiin fender ke ban wkwkwkwkwk ...
pake kompresor apa lo mbul?
maharani dong masangnya lg sgala macem..

Re: >>> Kompor of the Dayy <<<

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 5:18 pm
by mboel
[baduuy] wrote:pake kompresor apa lo mbul?
maharani dong masangnya lg sgala macem..
Copotan ferio..
Ga kok cm ngerubah selang acnya aja yg ke kompresor..
masang+bersih"in gopeanlah..murmer yaa :D

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Re: >>> Kompor of the Dayy <<<

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 5:50 pm
by adeindra
oh... sama yang elo pake toh wee....emmm... baguss...bagusss

Re: >>> Kompor of the Dayy <<<

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 9:48 pm
by *jarno*
corsa 175/70/13 buat velg standar nih..
