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Re: WTB : koil luar

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 11:48 pm
by badooy
saitama wrote:
kalo yang warna biru kayak punya om baduy tuh modulnya udah includ di dalemnya coil kalo ga salah tuh yang JACOB OMNI PAK yaaaa
bukan pak.. gw jacobs ultra coil.. Image
gw googling dikit ada reviewnya nih yg masang:" onclick=";return false;

dan testimoninya yg bisa bikin om lfp girang:
To our surprise, the Jacobs did produce significant improvements in fuel economy. Normally this engine averages a very consistent 9 mpg, on 92 octane, on the drive to and from the strip. With the Pro-10 running in place of the MSD, we averaged between 11.5 and 12 mpg during the 200 mile freeway drive. Thinking perhaps this was a fluke, we monitored the fuel economy again the next trip to the track, and got the same results on the way up. On the way back, we reconnected the MSD, and mileage was back down to 10 mpg.
ni link jacobs na:" onclick=";return false; ... BrandID=13

c-4 maupun ultra bisa 60rebu volt.." onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false; ... 5B1%5D.pdf

modul pengapian gw pake mallory hyfire 6al..

Re: WTB : koil luar

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 6:51 am
by cipik90
terima kasih infonya PAK Baduy..................xixixi jadi ketawa nih
abis bos baduy dipanggil pak sih......... :lol:
kalo yg punya PAK Baduy warna biru gitu belinya dimana........???
terima kasih sekali lagi PAK Baduy
hormat saya,

..............................weik..........jadi kaya legal paper aja ya.......... :lol:
(gara2 om saitama manggil PAK ke bos baduy nih)

Re: WTB : koil luar

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 6:31 pm
by saitama
cipik90 wrote:terima kasih infonya PAK Baduy..................xixixi jadi ketawa nih
abis bos baduy dipanggil pak sih......... :lol:
kalo yg punya PAK Baduy warna biru gitu belinya dimana........???
terima kasih sekali lagi PAK Baduy
hormat saya,

..............................weik..........jadi kaya legal paper aja ya.......... :lol:
(gara2 om saitama manggil PAK ke bos baduy nih)
tuh bukan panggil PAK gitu tuh nama nya coil broo JACOB OMNI P.A.K nama nya tuh gituuu hehehehehehehehee :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Re: WTB : koil luar

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 6:34 pm
by iphoer
saitama wrote:
tuh bukan panggil PAK gitu tuh nama nya coil broo JACOB OMNI P.A.K nama nya tuh gituuu hehehehehehehehee :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Wakakkakkkk. No comment dah gue...
Di surabaya keknya lebih murah ya part2 gitu. Ehmm...

Re: WTB : koil luar

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 10:15 pm
by saitama
iphoer wrote: Wakakkakkkk. No comment dah gue...
Di surabaya keknya lebih murah ya part2 gitu. Ehmm...
entah lebih murah ataw udah bekas terlalu lama sehigga harga nya turun jauh ga tau juga deeehh

Re: WTB : koil luar

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 8:14 pm
by General Lee
saitama wrote:
mahal broo pasarnya 200rb an wong crane cams PS91 aja harganya paling mahal 250rebu
quantum masih kalah sama cranecams beda di apinya

voltage nya lebih gede PS91

quantum cuma mentok max 95000volt PS91 bisa sampe 125000 volt
masih adakah PS91?
kalau ada 250 rebu, gue beli deh. tp syaratnya kudu idup. kalau dipake 1 minggu mati, duit balik 2x lipat plus koil di babby skyline gue ambil. gue tukerin koil Valeo. MAU?


Re: WTB : koil luar

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 8:57 pm
by meneer
General Lee wrote:
masih adakah PS91?
kalau ada 250 rebu, gue beli deh. tp syaratnya kudu idup. kalau dipake 1 minggu mati, duit balik 2x lipat plus koil di babby skyline gue ambil. gue tukerin koil Valeo. MAU?

ini gimana to!?wong ya sering ketemu koq ya pake ribut di forum :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: WTB : koil luar

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 5:29 pm
by resky
oh gt mas saitama kapan mau ambil karbu nya.....terus kalo mobil matic bisa gak pk koil racing ama busi racing ngaruh gak ama irit besin....hehehee

Re: WTB : koil luar

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 6:43 pm
by priapadangpasir
resky wrote:oh gt mas saitama kapan mau ambil karbu nya.....terus kalo mobil matic bisa gak pk koil racing ama busi racing ngaruh gak ama irit besin....hehehee
dual carb uuyyy,.... :P
pengen nyalip...cuma ntar melanggar kode etik

Re: WTB : koil luar

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 8:32 am
by cipik90
bos duy........
kemaren ada yg nawarin jacobs ultra kondisi 60% minta 1jt.............mahal kali ya...??