(ask) pengaruh melepas "payung" headlamp..?

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(ask) pengaruh melepas "payung" headlamp..?

Post by purwana » Sat Jul 17, 2010 9:22 am


ada yang menyarankan agar "payung" penutup lampu dilepas biar nyalanya lebih terang

bener gak ya :-? :-? ...??? ada yang punya pengalaman...??? mohon pencerahannya..


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Re: (ask) pengaruh melepas "payung" headlamp..?

Post by Kurniawan dicky » Sat Jul 17, 2010 4:07 pm

Payung yg nutupin bohlam di dalam headlamp? Gak berasa bedanya om....lampu ane sebelah pake, sebelah gak pake....gara2 lupa masang sehabis bersihin....udah terlanjur disealent males buka lagi... rasanya cahayanya sama saja om...

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Re: (ask) pengaruh melepas "payung" headlamp..?

Post by purwana » Sun Jul 18, 2010 8:15 am

ooo...gitu ya mas dicky...

soalnya kemarin habis ganti lampu HID, terangnya itu ngk sesuai yang di iklan2 :D :D padahal udah bersihin headlamp juga..

btw, makasi pencerahannya...

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Re: (ask) pengaruh melepas "payung" headlamp..?

Post by badooy » Sun Jul 18, 2010 9:52 am

bukannya itu supaya pengendara didepan gak silau ya, supaya gak liat bohlamnya lgs getu

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Re: (ask) pengaruh melepas "payung" headlamp..?

Post by asepm.sunda » Sun Jul 18, 2010 6:59 pm

purwana wrote:salam...

ada yang menyarankan agar "payung" penutup lampu dilepas biar nyalanya lebih terang

bener gak ya :-? :-? ...??? ada yang punya pengalaman...??? mohon pencerahannya..

kagak ngaruh om..dah pernah di coba tetep aja..

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Re: (ask) pengaruh melepas "payung" headlamp..?

Post by dody » Mon Sep 20, 2010 10:33 pm

payung tu buat nahan panas dari bolam biar g kena langsung ke mika

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Re: (ask) pengaruh melepas "payung" headlamp..?

Post by meneer » Tue Sep 21, 2010 3:55 am

masa gak ngaruh?
bukannya itu buat ngefokusin cahaya yah?
adeindra wrote:wahahahahaha....dasar anak muda masih pada pacar2an...
udah tua....jadi berasa tua beneran nih gue
gara2 pacaran dari kampus ama die eh...langsung jadi istri, kaga ngerasain yang laen deh.... :(

heheheh.,...jadi curhat

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Re: (ask) pengaruh melepas "payung" headlamp..?

Post by badooy » Wed Sep 22, 2010 12:41 am

ini kali jawabannya... (kalo minta translate ama Deri aja tu, lg blajar TOEFL) :p

3. 1. 2. 1. 2. European system
The traditional European method of achieving low and high beam from a single bulb involves two filaments along the axis of the reflector. The high beam filament is on the focal point, while the low beam filament is approximately 1 cm forward of the focal point and 3 mm above the axis. Below the low beam filament is a cup-shaped shield (called a "Graves Shield") spanning an arc of 165°. When the low beam filament is illuminated, this shield casts a shadow on the corresponding lower area of the reflector, blocking downward light rays that would otherwise strike the reflector and be cast above the horizon. The bulb is rotated (or "clocked") within the headlamp to position the Graves Shield so as to allow light to strike a 15° wedge of the lower half of the reflector. This is used to create the upsweep or upstep characteristic of ECE low beam light distributions. The bulb's rotative position within the reflector depends on the type of beam pattern to be produced and the traffic directionality of the market for which the headlamp is intended.

http://www.ratwell.com/technical/BoschH4.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Image Image
While both lamps look similar from the front, there is a characeteristic difference that distinguishes each unit: the Euro unit has a built in shield that covers the front of the bulb. One of the purposes of the shield is to limit unreflected light from the low beam filament. The reason it is not present on the motorcycle unit is that the shield is not designed for the vibration produced while riding which may cause it to break away.

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Re: (ask) pengaruh melepas "payung" headlamp..?

Post by nanangsurya » Wed Sep 22, 2010 6:14 pm

fungsina kan buat mantulin ma fokusin sinar....klo udah karaten di krom lagi ajah paling juga abis 5K
...bukan hanya sekedar mobil yang bikin berat ninggalin ni EF.....tapi rasa persaudaraan disini yang lebih terasa memberatkan...

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