B2389MT menyapa...

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Re: B2389MT menyapa...

Post by ariphrp » Mon Sep 28, 2009 12:31 pm

welkam Oom stanis.. Classic elegant ya? tire wall putih tambahan ato cat ndiri tuh Oom? :P

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Re: B2389MT menyapa...

Post by Fieldz » Mon Sep 28, 2009 1:44 pm

B2389MT wrote: salam kenal juga...
Alhamdulilah istriku dibilang cantik..
Eh mas, white wall tu apa tho??
wahh istrinya?...tp belom nikah..mnnn, gaswat jg nihh..uheueuheu.. :p
white wall itu maksutnya yg putih2 mlingker di samping roda/ban, tp bukan panu y om..hihihi... ;;) :D

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Re: B2389MT menyapa...

Post by B2389MT » Wed Feb 24, 2010 8:52 pm

Ahkirnya bsa oL di kostan..
balik lg ke grandcivic com..
Fieldz wrote:
wahh istrinya?...tp belom nikah..mnnn, gaswat jg nihh..uheueuheu.. :p
white wall itu maksutnya yg putih2 mlingker di samping roda/ban, tp bukan panu y om..hihihi... ;;) :D
istri pertama om.. = ya si grandy ijo ini..
iya om pke whitewall..

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Re: B2389MT menyapa...

Post by cokgus » Wed Feb 24, 2010 9:51 pm

Bali menyapa om.
Wah bgus GCnya,lagi dunk pict-nya..Mau foto ma bokinan jg ahhh..Hehehe

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Re: B2389MT menyapa...

Post by arozi » Wed Feb 24, 2010 11:41 pm

met hadir kamerad,
menyenangkan liat grandy mu.... semoga awet dan semakin setia :D

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Re: B2389MT menyapa...

Post by hattory » Thu Feb 25, 2010 4:46 am

selamat dateng om.. cakep gc nya :D
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Re: B2389MT menyapa...

Post by murdit » Thu Feb 25, 2010 6:12 am

Met gabung forum Gc.Com om...!

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Re: B2389MT menyapa...

Post by irsya79 » Thu Feb 25, 2010 12:27 pm

met gabung om :) kereen nih...

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Re: B2389MT menyapa...

Post by Kurniawan dicky » Thu Feb 25, 2010 12:34 pm

Salam kenal selamat bergabung Om... kinclong GC nya :)

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Re: B2389MT menyapa...

Post by B2389MT » Thu Feb 25, 2010 1:20 pm

cokgus wrote:Bali menyapa om.
Wah bgus GCnya,lagi dunk pict-nya..Mau foto ma bokinan jg ahhh..Hehehe

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Sip2.. monggo2.. ditunggu..:)
arozi wrote:met hadir kamerad,
menyenangkan liat grandy mu.... semoga awet dan semakin setia :D
Amin boss....
hattory wrote:selamat dateng om.. cakep gc nya :D
murdit wrote:Met gabung forum Gc.Com om...!
irsya79 wrote:met gabung om :) kereen nih...
Kurniawan dicky wrote:Salam kenal selamat bergabung Om... kinclong GC nya :)
NUhun akang2...
Mobil apa aja klo bersih, serasi-harmonis (warnanya), pasti two thumbs up.. hehe..

CURHAT: pengen punya sticker gc.com yang putih.. kapan re-stock lagi.....
Last edited by B2389MT on Thu Feb 25, 2010 2:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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