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Re: B2389MT menyapa...

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 8:50 pm
by Nawee
welkom om stanis.... EF nyang muyusss... :) :)
smuyus yg mpunya.... :-D :-D

Re: B2389MT menyapa...

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 2:15 pm
by B2389MT
*jarno* wrote:aww...aww... welcome bradder!! plat nomernya familiar nih..
mboel wrote:welcome" ......
vinas wrote:cip cip... manteb.. welkam.. ;)
Patric_Star wrote:met join.....
tengkyu braders.....!! :D
Nawee wrote:welkom om stanis.... EF nyang muyusss... :) :)
smuyus yg mpunya.... :-D :-D
redcivicgrand wrote:met join ya om, mulus bgt GC nya...
fasc wrote:welkam n' salam kenal :ymhug:
mulus ni grand civicnya, picnya dong
kalo uda banyak picnya tampilin sini viewforum.php?f=11
seringan smarang pa bogor ni? sering ni smarang tapi pake plat merah
wahhh itu hanya keliatan mulus, aslinya mah baret2.. biasalah anak kost, tempat parkir seadanya, berbagi ama roda dua..
foto? waduh, malu ah, ga mulus2 bgt gc. ini aja di foto gara2 ada event acara klub..
ni lg kul smstr akhir di smrg, doakan awal tahun dpn lulus n kmbali ke bogor.. amin.. hhehe :ymblushing:
plat merah? pernah skali doank ngeliat GC berplat merah, tp itu bukan ane... :p

Re: B2389MT menyapa...

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 1:53 am
by Fieldz
salam kenal jg om stanis
cakepps euyy GC-nya... pake whitewall y om?

Re: B2389MT menyapa...

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 9:57 am
by Kuman
welkam om... :-D
btw anak LX Semarang ya??hehe...

nampak Elegant GC nya...
more pic om hehehe....

Re: B2389MT menyapa...

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 11:29 am
by chandrabucks
welkom .. muyusss... hehehehehe... more pic om..

Re: B2389MT menyapa...

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 11:35 pm
by B2389MT
Fieldz wrote:salam kenal jg om stanis
cakepps euyy GC-nya... pake whitewall y om?
salam kenal juga...
Alhamdulilah istriku dibilang cantik..
Eh mas, white wall tu apa tho??
Fieldz wrote:welkam om...
btw anak LX Semarang ya??hehe...

nampak Elegant GC nya...
more pic om hehehe....
chandrabucks wrote:welkom .. muyusss... hehehehehe... more pic om..
Iya bang, anak LX Semarang.. Sampeyan domisili mana tho? Jgn2 grandlx jogja..
oke de, tmbh pic nya nti klo dah blk k smrg, msh mudik nih.. Hehe..

Re: B2389MT menyapa...

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 9:02 am
by Kuman
hehehe posisi saya mah di Bandung...
cm tau LX Semarang aja ... :-D :-D

Re: B2389MT menyapa...

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 3:08 pm
by b4yu
wlkom to the jungle brother....

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Re: B2389MT menyapa...

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 3:09 pm
by b4yu
wlkom to the jungle brother....

[Post made via Mobile Device] Image

Re: B2389MT menyapa...

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 8:03 pm
by Patric_Star
uda modip2 ap aj niy om???