Permisi rekan2 senior pecinta Grand Civic, salam kenal yaa..

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Re: Permisi rekan2 senior pecinta Grand Civic, salam kenal yaa..

Post by Kuman » Mon May 17, 2010 8:20 pm


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Re: Permisi rekan2 senior pecinta Grand Civic, salam kenal yaa..

Post by Zarno » Mon May 17, 2010 10:00 pm

Selamat datang..selamat menikmati menu khas duonk nouvanya..yuk yuk..heee..
my email + FB + YM: [Muhammad Agung Budi Setiawan]

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Re: Permisi rekan2 senior pecinta Grand Civic, salam kenal yaa..

Post by hattory » Mon May 17, 2010 10:33 pm

selamat datang om.. awas kompornya suka meledak disini.. :D
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Re: Permisi rekan2 senior pecinta Grand Civic, salam kenal yaa..

Post by retroductionz » Tue May 18, 2010 12:02 am

Wedew, dah rame aja niy,
thanks a bunch ya dah diberi ksempatan utk join disini,
btw utk SH3nya masih malu2 niy, msh std bgt, cupu abisss :ymblushing:
soalnya br dateng hari minggu kmrn, blm sempet diapa2in :(
nanti pasti dipost picnya kl dah rada mendingan dee :D
mohon bimbingannya ya para Oom2 senior disini, peace :o)

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Re: Permisi rekan2 senior pecinta Grand Civic, salam kenal yaa..

Post by murdit » Tue May 18, 2010 6:47 am

met datang om, silahkan upload pnampakan Nouvanya ya om...!

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Re: Permisi rekan2 senior pecinta Grand Civic, salam kenal yaa..

Post by adeindra » Tue May 18, 2010 7:53 am

selamat gabung...hayo segera tampilkan si putihnya

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Re: Permisi rekan2 senior pecinta Grand Civic, salam kenal yaa..

Post by arozi » Tue May 18, 2010 10:20 am

salam kenal kamerad, semoga betah....

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Re: Permisi rekan2 senior pecinta Grand Civic, salam kenal yaa..

Post by retroductionz » Wed May 19, 2010 12:39 am

Coming soon pictnya yaa, soalnya msh blm PD utk upload :-s
but Oom Yogi dah liat kok, beneran msh cupu kan Oom :ymblushing:

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Re: Permisi rekan2 senior pecinta Grand Civic, salam kenal yaa..

Post by ariphrp » Wed May 19, 2010 5:26 am

Padahal justru perlu tampilan awal supaya bisa dilihat progress modifnya Oom.. lihat deh thread project and narcism.. step-by-step proses metamorfosis para suhu modif bisa dilacak disitu oom..

ndak usa malu2.. :)

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Re: Permisi rekan2 senior pecinta Grand Civic, salam kenal yaa..

Post by nugroho » Wed May 19, 2010 9:57 pm

lebih baik telat ..
salam kenal dr jawa ....

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