WTA : throtle karburator

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WTA : throtle karburator

Post by cebong » Sat Feb 20, 2010 1:55 am

om, mw nny ne maren bersihin karbu nova d13.
kan single tuh karbu na trus throtle na kan da 2 ya??
nah yg bs kebuka cuma 1 ja tuh om yang lsg ke kabel gas.
yg disbelah na gag bs kebuka.
kek macet gtu dipaksa jg gag isa om.
tu normal gag c om??

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Re: WTA : throtle karburator

Post by ariphrp » Sat Feb 20, 2010 5:50 am

emang keluhannya apa Oom? yang satu lagi itu mekanisme choke..

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Re: WTA : throtle karburator

Post by onta » Sat Feb 20, 2010 7:37 pm

di poto Om :D
ga jelas jg karbu d13 itu mirip punya GC ?
throtle yg ke 2 di venturi yg sama ga?

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