info Mantab setelah survey kat malay

discuss & share topics about maintenance, reparation, troubleshooting, or modification related to engine, electrical, or those under the hood that is related..
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Re: info Mantab setelah survey kat malay

Post by badooy » Mon Aug 18, 2008 9:12 pm

hzkia wrote:yap..mending bli dr indo la.bnyk kok importirna.tinggal trima beres.klo kudu impor mesin sndiri mlh ribet..hrs ngurus ini itu.blm lg kena bea masuk,ppn n pph.mnding masukin printhilan kecil2 je om,macam aksesoris JDM.bnyk tue dijumpa kat kedai malay:-)
emg tuh.. org pajak nih kebanyakan aturan...
masuk kaos kaki semua lagi.... hihihihi....

eeeengggg..... aciiiiirrrrrr........ :mrgreen:

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Re: info Mantab setelah survey kat malay

Post by Nawee » Tue Aug 19, 2008 12:19 pm

ati2 obrolannya yah bynk aparat pemerintah dsini... :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

General Lee

Re: info Mantab setelah survey kat malay

Post by General Lee » Fri Aug 22, 2008 1:07 pm

nah, loh.

tp emang kenyatannya kayak gitu sih.
wajar kl rakyat protes!!!!

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Re: info Mantab setelah survey kat malay

Post by resky » Fri Aug 22, 2008 1:42 pm

saya temanya aparat sahabat dan keparat heheheehehhe ....

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