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mohon pencerahan

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2014 8:03 pm
by Andhika widyadharma
suhu2 GC mohon pencerahan mengenai mesin dengan kode ZC. lx 89 saya kok kode mesinnya ZC.

Re: mohon pencerahan

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 4:25 am
by zastraw
Berarti memang sudah ganti mesin zc om. 1600 cc kalo ga salah. Untuk spare part bisa pakai genio.

Re: mohon pencerahan

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 8:32 am
by adeindra
waah masa baru tau om...

nomer mesin lama ada engga? kalo nanti mau memperpanjang gawat donng

atau nomer mesin di BPKB / STNK undah diubah jadi ZC

iya... blok mesin ZC 1600cc emang yang dipake ama civic gc/nouva di luar negeri sanah...
dan emang yang dicari orang karena katanya paling bagus untuk D series engine internal mesinnya

Re: mohon pencerahan

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 11:46 am
by Andhika widyadharma
om sastraw, apa semuanya bisa menggunakan genio spare part nya ?

om adeindra, mobil nya dapat limpahan dari mertua, dr pada dijual murah sama mertua mendingan saya bayarin dan dibangun lg. kebetulan hobi juga dengan kendaraan lama...rasanya gimana gitu pake mobil lama tapi rapi.

hari ini di cek ternyata ada blok mesin bawah bawaannya di gudang dan BPKB masih menggunakan nomer mesin bawaannya.

kelebihan dan kekurangannya kalo boleh di share mengenai mesin ZC om adeindra. untuk tenaganya sih enak banget....

Re: mohon pencerahan

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 2:08 pm
by Pa'de Gung
Yg jelas ZC 1600cc om...
Sementara mesin bawaan 1500cc

Kelebihannya pasti lebih enak pake mesin besar / spek tinggi.

Kekurangannya mungkin sedikit agak boros (relatif), dan saat pajak 5th nan harus bawa mesin asli buat gesek nomor mesin.

Re: mohon pencerahan

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 3:19 pm
by adeindra
ini zc yang dipstik olinya di tengah antara header atau di pinngir dekat timing belt?

hampir semua sama dengan gentilo om... kalo yang ditengah colokan olinya

katanya sih material enginenya lebih kuat tahan banting dibandingkan dengan mesin lokal kita dan ya cc nya lebih tinggi kan


A few D-series variants are labelled (Japanese: Honda ZC engine) (usually JDM), but they are not truly a different series. They are similar to the D16Y4, D16A8, D16Z6, D16A1, D16A3, D16A6, D16A9 and D16Z5 engines.

There are both SOHC and DOHC ZC engines. The non-VTEC SOHC ZC is similar to the D16A6 ('91–'96) and D16Y4 ('96–2000) engine, but with more aggressive cam timing. The SOHC VTEC ZC is similar to the D16Z6 ('91–'96). The DOHC ZC is similar to the D16A1, D16A3, D16A8, D16A9 and D16Z5 engines.

Euro Mk1 ('85-'87) 1.6 CRX's are fitted with an engine designated "ZC1" which is a higher spec 125 PS (92 kW) version of the D16A1. These were later replaced by the D16A8 or B16A, depending on the specs.

1st Gen ZC Identified by: External coil, small distributor, dual butterfly TB, cam cover bolts on top, brown/gold cam cover. Large cam pulleys. +3cc PG6B pistons, non-pent roof combustion chamber. As a ZC it appeared in JDM AV Integra Si and JDM E-AT Civic/CR-X Si. Commonly produced at the time but now over twenty years old and getting harder to find. D-series version is called D16A1, 1986-1987.

2nd Gen ZC (rarest) Identified by: Internal coil, large distributor, single butterfly TB mounted on slight angle forward, bolts on top of cam cover, black cam cover, large cam pulleys. +7cc PM7 pistons, 43 cc Pent roof combustion chamber. As a ZC appeared in JDM facelift AV bodied Integra Si did not appear in Civic or CR-X, rarest ZC only produced for less than one year. D-series version D16A1 '88-'89 (sometimes +7cc P29 pistons)

3rd Gen ZC Identified by: Internal coil, large distributor, single butterfly TB. Black cam cover. Cam cover bolts on the sides. Small cam pulleys. Inlet Manifold stamped PM7. +7cc PM7 pistons, 43 cc Pent roof combustion chamber. As a "ZC" this appeared in the JDM EF3 Civic and EF7 CR-X, and also in the JDM Honda Quint Integra GSi (DA1 chassis). This is the most commonly produced ZC, manufactured in Japan from end of '87 through to early '91 D-series version D16A8/9 (Euro Civic Si) (sometimes +7cc P29 pistons)

4th Gen ZC Identified by: Internal coil. OBD1 EFi system (grey plug). No cam angle sensor on exhaust cam, now located in distributor. Rubber plug where cam angle sensor would mount. Black cam cover. No PGM-EFi plate on the inlet manifold, replaced with three ribs instead. P29 stamped on inlet manifold. MAP sensor on TB. +7cc PM7 pistons, pent roof combustion chamber. As a ZC only appeared in EG5 Civic bodies, no Integra or CRX received this engine. Reasonably common produced from '92 to '94. (20th Anniversary edition & Japanese car of the year) D-series version D16A8/9 (Euro & Australia Civic Si) (sometimes +7cc P29 pistons)

artiin sendiri yaaa xixixii

Re: mohon pencerahan

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 3:33 pm
by Andhika widyadharma
Pa'de Gung, memang enak tenaganya utk kelas mesin ditahun dikeluarkan seri ZC. rasanya nda ada habis tenaganya dan pengen ngegas terus.

Om Adeindra, dip stick oli nya ditengah diantara header sama seperti mesin bawaannya. tapi sayang kondisinya sekarang berasep dari kenalpot kalau putaran mesin mulai 3000 rpm keatas. sepertinya butuh colekan sana sini untuk mengembalikan kondisinya. kalau boleh bertanya kira2 apa saja yang harus dicolek untuk mengembalikan staminanya.

maksud om Adeindra material apanya yang lbh bagus dr mesin tersebut ? apakah part nya atau blok mesinnya. maafkan saya banyak bertanya....

sambil buka kamus untuk mengartikan artikelnya....xiixiixii...mudah2an nambah vocabulary nya

Re: mohon pencerahan

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 5:01 pm
by adeindra
Besinya om

Kalo berasep bisa jadi ring piston or ring seher

Katanya sih bisa pake punya gentilo

Tapi sebelum ambil langkah turun mesin cek dulu deh seyingan karbu dan tune up serta carbon clean

Re: mohon pencerahan

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 7:18 pm
by Andhika widyadharma
Yang sudah dilakukan tune up, carbon cleaner dan karbu gatii masih berasep jg. Berarti harus ganti ring seher ya om Adeindra. Kalo dah turun mesing nda mungkin hanya ganti ring sehernya sj, pasti metal duduk dan metal jalan dll nya....jd mendadak serasa dirampok hahahaha.....

Re: mohon pencerahan

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 9:00 pm
by Pa'de Gung
Woww...karbu baru...kok ga masuk daftar belanja...:D

Ganti karbu karena ngebul itu ato faktor lain om?
Ngebul karena karbu beda dg ngebul karna piston...
Kalo ngebul karbu/ bensin asap item, ujung knalpot item kering.
Kalo ngebul piston/ oli asap putih, ujung knalpot item agak basah.